Golang unicode/utf16.EncodeRune() function example
package unicode/utf16
Golang unicode/utf16.EncodeRune() function usage example.
package main
import (
func main() {
//r1 := '\u6C34'
//r2 := '水'
r1, r2 := utf16.EncodeRune('水')
fmt.Printf("u+%x u+%x \n", r1, r2)
// find surrogate for G clef symbol
r3, r4 := utf16.EncodeRune('\U0001D11E')
fmt.Printf("G clef surrogate runes are : u+%x u+%x \n", r3, r4)
Sample output :
u+fffd u+fffd
G clef surrogate runes are : u+d834 u+dd1e
Reference :
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