Golang unicode.IsSpace() function example
package unicode
Golang unicode.IsSpace() function usage example. Useful when you want to determine if an input character/rune is a space.
package main
import (
func main() {
space := unicode.IsSpace(' ')
fmt.Println(" is a space ? : ", space)
digit := unicode.IsSpace('1')
fmt.Println("1 is a space ? : ", digit)
tab := unicode.IsSpace('\t')
fmt.Println("Tab is a space ? : ", tab)
newLine := unicode.IsSpace('\n')
fmt.Println("New line is a space ? : ", newLine)
Output :
is a space ? : true
1 is a space ? : false
Tab is a space ? : true
New line is a space ? : true
References :
'\t', '\n', '\v', '\f', '\r', ' ', U+0085 (NEL), U+00A0 (NBSP).
Other definitions of spacing characters are set by category Z and property PatternWhiteSpace.
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