Golang time.Duration type example
package time
Golang time.Duration type usage example. These constants are useful in calculating time lapsed, total time, etc. Instead of declaring them, just use from time package. For example, day := 24*time.Hour
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println("Nano second : ", time.Nanosecond)
fmt.Println("Micro second : ", time.Microsecond)
fmt.Println("Milli second : ", time.Millisecond)
fmt.Println("Minute : ", time.Minute)
fmt.Println("Hour : ", time.Hour)
fmt.Println("Day : ", 24*time.Hour)
Output :
Nano second : 1ns
Micro second : 1µs
Milli second : 1ms
Minute : 1m0s
Hour : 1h0m0s
Day : 24h0m0s
See also :
Reference :
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