Golang testing.InternalExample type and RunExamples() function example
package testing
Golang testing.InternalExample type and RunExamples() function usage example
package main
import (
func compareString(string1 string, string2 string) (bool, error) {
err := error(nil)
//if len(string1) <= 0 || len(string2) <= 0 {
// err = errors.New("String cannot be empty")
ok := strings.EqualFold(string2, string1)
return ok, err
func main() {
// http://golang.org/pkg/testing/#InternalExample
firstExample := testing.InternalExample{Name: "Example", F: func() {}, Output: ""}
secondExample := testing.InternalExample{Name: "Example", F: func() {}, Output: ""}
Examples := make([]testing.InternalExample, 2)
Examples[0] = firstExample
Examples[1] = secondExample
// feed all tests examples against
complete := testing.RunExamples(compareString, Examples)
fmt.Printf("All test examples completed? : %v\n", complete)
References :
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