Golang regexp.FindAllString() and FindString() functions example
package regexp
Golang regexp.FindAllString() and FindString() functions usage example
package main
import (
func main() {
// regular expression pattern
regE := regexp.MustCompile("/oid/([\\d]+)/")
searchString := "/oid/1/something_else/oid/2/"
matchSlice := regE.FindString(searchString)
fmt.Println("Found leftmost match : ", matchSlice)
// --- find all string match
matchAllSlice := regE.FindAllString(searchString, 500)
for k, v := range matchAllSlice {
// found /oid/1/ and /oid/2
// and return locations of the all matches
fmt.Printf("Found #%d match:[%v]\n", k, v)
output :
Found leftmost match : /oid/1/
Found #0 match:[/oid/1/]
Found #1 match:[/oid/2/]
References :
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