Golang reflect.StructField() example
package reflect
Golang reflect.StructField() usage example
package main
import (
type A struct {
A fmt.ScanState "Tag A" // index 0
AB B "Tag A of type B struct" // index 1
B "Tag B" // index 2 -embedded field
type B struct {
B0 string
B1 int
func main() {
var a A
var typeof reflect.Type = reflect.TypeOf(a)
var field reflect.StructField = typeof.Field(0) // index 0
fmt.Println("Name : ", field.Name)
fmt.Println("PkgPath : ", field.PkgPath) //<--- only applicable if the field name is small cap(unexported)
fmt.Println("Type : ", field.Type)
fmt.Println("Tag : ", field.Tag)
fmt.Println("Offset : ", field.Offset)
fmt.Println("Index : ", field.Index)
fmt.Println("Anonymous : ", field.Anonymous)
fmt.Println("// --------------------------------------------------")
field = typeof.Field(1) // index 1
fmt.Println("Name : ", field.Name)
fmt.Println("PkgPath : ", field.PkgPath) //<--- only applicable if the field name is small cap(unexported)
fmt.Println("Type : ", field.Type)
fmt.Println("Tag : ", field.Tag)
fmt.Println("Offset : ", field.Offset)
fmt.Println("Index : ", field.Index)
fmt.Println("Anonymous : ", field.Anonymous)
fmt.Println("// --------------------------------------------------")
field = typeof.Field(2) // index 2
fmt.Println("Name : ", field.Name)
fmt.Println("PkgPath : ", field.PkgPath) //<--- only applicable if the field name is small cap(unexported)
fmt.Println("Type : ", field.Type)
fmt.Println("Tag : ", field.Tag)
fmt.Println("Offset : ", field.Offset)
fmt.Println("Index : ", field.Index)
fmt.Println("Anonymous : ", field.Anonymous) // TRUE because it is embedded field
Play at : http://play.golang.org/p/JjzPzPe8UP
Reference :
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