Golang reflect.Select() and SelectCase() function example
package reflect
Golang reflect.Select() and SelectCase() function usage example
package main
import (
func main() {
var sendCh = make(chan int) // channel to use (for send or receive)
var increaseInt = func(c chan int) {
for i := 0; i < 8; i++ {
c <- i
go increaseInt(sendCh)
var selectCase = make([]reflect.SelectCase, 1)
selectCase[0].Dir = reflect.SelectRecv
selectCase[0].Chan = reflect.ValueOf(sendCh)
counter := 0
for counter < 1 {
chosen, recv, recvOk := reflect.Select(selectCase) // <--- here
if recvOk {
fmt.Println(chosen, recv.Int(), recvOk)
} else {
References :
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