Golang reflect.MakeSlice() function example
package reflect
Golang reflect.MakeSlice() function usage example.
package main
import (
func main() {
var str []string // must be a slice type for reflect.MakeSlice() to work
var strValue reflect.Value = reflect.ValueOf(&str)
indirectStr := reflect.Indirect(strValue)
valueSlice := reflect.MakeSlice(indirectStr.Type(), 100, 1024) // otherwise, will panice
kind := valueSlice.Kind()
cap := valueSlice.Cap()
length := valueSlice.Len()
fmt.Printf("valueMap type is [%v] with capacity of %v bytes and length of %v .", kind, cap, length)
Output :
valueMap type is [slice] with capacity of 1024 bytes and length of 100 .
Reference :
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