Golang reflect.ChanDir type example
package reflect
Golang reflect.ChanDir type usage example
package main
import (
func main() {
var a chan<- int
var typeA reflect.Type = reflect.TypeOf(a)
fmt.Println("Channel A type is : ", typeA.ChanDir().String())
fmt.Println("Is channel A - send direction only ? : ", typeA.ChanDir() == reflect.SendDir)
var b <-chan int
var typeB reflect.Type = reflect.TypeOf(b)
fmt.Println("Channel B type is : ", typeB.ChanDir().String())
fmt.Println("Is channel B - send direction only ? : ", typeB.ChanDir() == reflect.SendDir)
fmt.Println("Is channel B - receive direction only ? : ", typeB.ChanDir() == reflect.RecvDir)
var c chan int
var typeC reflect.Type = reflect.TypeOf(c)
fmt.Println("Channel C type is : ", typeC.ChanDir()) // without String()
fmt.Println("Is channel C - send direction only ? : ", typeC.ChanDir() == reflect.SendDir)
fmt.Println("Is channel C - receive direction only ? : ", typeC.ChanDir() == reflect.RecvDir)
fmt.Println("Is channel C - both send receive direction? : ", typeC.ChanDir() == reflect.BothDir)
Output :
Channel A type is : chan<-
Is channel A - send direction only ? : true
Channel B type is : <-chan
Is channel B - send direction only ? : false
Is channel B - receive direction only ? : true
Channel C type is : chan
Is channel C - send direction only ? : false
Is channel C - receive direction only ? : false
Is channel C - both send receive direction? : true
SEE ALSO : https://www.socketloop.com/tutorials/golang-channels-and-buffered-channels-examples
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