Golang os.Expand() and ExpandEnv() functions example
package os
Golang os.Expand() and ExpandEnv() functions usage example
package main
import (
func testGetenv(s string) string {
switch s {
case "*":
return "all the args"
case "#":
return "NARGS"
case "$":
return "PID"
case "1":
return "ARGUMENT1"
case "HOME":
return "/usr/gopher"
case "H":
return "(Value of H)"
case "home_1":
return "/usr/foo"
case "_":
return "underscore"
return ""
func main() {
str := os.Expand("$1", testGetenv)
str = os.Expand("$HOME", testGetenv)
// ----------------------------
str = os.Expand("HOME", os.Getenv) // without $ is wrong way to use os.Expand function
str = os.Expand("$HOME", os.Getenv) // extract from environment
str = os.ExpandEnv("$HOME") // another way to extract from environment
Sample output :
References :
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