Golang net/url.URL.ResolveReference() function example
package net/url
Golang net/url.URL.ResolveReference() function usage example
package main
import (
func main() {
baseURL := "http://search.com/?a=b"
parsedURL, err := url.Parse(baseURL)
if err != nil {
relativeURL, _ := url.Parse("?q=socketloop.com")
fmt.Println("Resolved Reference - Relative : ", parsedURL.ResolveReference(relativeURL))
absoluteURL, _ := url.Parse("c=d")
fmt.Println("Resolved Reference - Absolute : ", parsedURL.ResolveReference(absoluteURL))
absoluteURL2, _ := url.Parse("http://search.com?c=d")
fmt.Println("Resolved Reference - Absolute : ", parsedURL.ResolveReference(absoluteURL2)) // see the diff? use carefully
Output :
Resolved Reference - Relative : http://search.com/?q=socketloop.com
Resolved Reference - Absolute : http://search.com/c=d
Resolved Reference - Absolute : http://search.com?c=d
References :
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