Golang net/smtp.SendMail() function example
package net/smtp
Golang net/smtp.SendMail() function usage example
// authentication configuration
smtpHost := "smtp.****" // change to your SMTP provider address
smtpPort := *** // change to your SMTP provider port number
smtpPass := "yourpassword" // change here
smtpUser := "yourusername@gmail.com" // change here
emailConf := &EmailConfig{smtpUser, smtpPass, smtpHost, smtpPort}
emailauth := smtp.PlainAuth("", emailConf.Username, emailConf.Password, emailConf.Host)
sender := "fromwho@gmail.com" // change here
receivers := []string{
} // change here
message := []byte("Hello from Go SMTP package!") // your message
// send out the email
err := smtp.SendMail(smtpHost+":"+strconv.Itoa(emailConf.Port), //convert port number from int to string
if err != nil {
See full example at https://www.socketloop.com/tutorials/golang-send-email-and-smtp-configuration-example
References :
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