Golang net.LookupSRV() function example
package net
Golang net.LookupSRV() function usage example
package main
import (
func main() {
service := "xmpp-server"
protocol := "tcp"
name := "google.com"
cname, addresses, err := net.LookupSRV(service, protocol, name)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("cname : %s \n", cname)
for i := 0; i < len(addresses); i++ {
fmt.Printf("addrs[%d].Target : %s \n", i, addresses[i].Target)
fmt.Printf("addrs[%d].Port : %d \n", i, addresses[i].Port)
fmt.Printf("addrs[%d].Priority : %d \n", i, addresses[i].Priority)
fmt.Printf("addrs[%d].Weight : %d \n", i, addresses[i].Weight)
Sample output :
cname : xmpp-server.tcp.google.com.
addrs[0].Target : xmpp-server.l.google.com.
addrs[0].Port : 5269
addrs[0].Priority : 5
addrs[0].Weight : 0
addrs1.Target : alt1.xmpp-server.l.google.com.
addrs1.Port : 5269
addrs1.Priority : 20
addrs1.Weight : 0
addrs2.Target : alt2.xmpp-server.l.google.com.
addrs2.Port : 5269
addrs2.Priority : 20
addrs2.Weight : 0
addrs[3].Target : alt3.xmpp-server.l.google.com.
addrs[3].Port : 5269
addrs[3].Priority : 20
addrs[3].Weight : 0
addrs[4].Target : alt4.xmpp-server.l.google.com.
addrs[4].Port : 5269
addrs[4].Priority : 20
addrs[4].Weight : 0
References :
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