Golang net.LookupPort() function example
package net
Golang net.LookupPort() function usage example
package main
import (
func main() {
network := "tcp"
service := "domain"
portNum, err := net.LookupPort(network, service)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Port number for %s network and %s service is : %d \n", network, service, portNum)
network = "udp"
service = "syslog"
portNum, err = net.LookupPort(network, service)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Port number for %s network and %s service is : %d \n", network, service, portNum)
// NOTES :
//var porttests = []portTest{
// {"tcp", "echo", 7, true},
// {"tcp", "discard", 9, true},
// {"tcp", "systat", 11, true},
// {"tcp", "daytime", 13, true},
// {"tcp", "chargen", 19, true},
// {"tcp", "ftp-data", 20, true},
// {"tcp", "ftp", 21, true},
// {"tcp", "telnet", 23, true},
// {"tcp", "smtp", 25, true},
// {"tcp", "time", 37, true},
// {"tcp", "domain", 53, true},
// {"tcp", "finger", 79, true},
// {"udp", "echo", 7, true},
// {"udp", "tftp", 69, true},
// {"udp", "bootpc", 68, true},
// {"udp", "bootps", 67, true},
// {"udp", "domain", 53, true},
// {"udp", "ntp", 123, true},
// {"udp", "snmp", 161, true},
// {"udp", "syslog", 514, true},
// {"--badnet--", "zzz", 0, false},
// {"tcp", "--badport--", 0, false},
See also :
References :
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