Golang net.IPConn.SetDeadline(), SetReadDeadline() and SetReadBuffer() functions example
package net
Golang net.IPConn.SetDeadline(), SetReadDeadline() and SetReadBuffer() functions usage example
package main
import (
func main() {
// replace x with your target IP address
raddr := &net.IPAddr{IP: net.IPv4(x, x, x, x).To4()}
laddr := &net.IPAddr{IP: net.IPv4(x, x, x, x)}
ipconn, err := net.DialIP("ip:tcp", laddr, raddr)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error: ", err)
} else {
defer ipconn.Close()
// the same can be applied to SetWriteDeadline() and SetWriteBuffer() functions as well
t := time.Now()
ipconn.SetDeadline(t.Add(100 * time.Millisecond))
ipconn.SetReadDeadline(t.Add(250 * time.Millisecond))
//buffer := make([]byte, 4096)
err := ipconn.SetReadBuffer(4096)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error: ", err)
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