Golang net.IP.MarshalText() and UnmarshalText() functions example
package net
Golang net.IP.MarshalText() and UnmarshalText() functions usage example
package main
import (
func main() {
ip4 := ""
// convert to IP type
ipAdd4 := net.ParseIP(ip4)
ipBytes, _ := ipAdd4.MarshalText()
fmt.Println("MarshalText : ", string(ipBytes))
// IP address form is accepted
var IPointer net.IP
dummyIP := []byte("")
err := IPointer.UnmarshalText(dummyIP)
if err != nil {
// now, try with invalid form
errorIP := []byte("127.00.1")
err = IPointer.UnmarshalText(errorIP)
if err != nil {
Output :
MarshalText :
invalid IP address: 127.00.1
References :
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