Golang net.IP.Equal() function example
package net
Golang net.IP.Equal() function usage example
package main
import (
func main() {
// google.com ip version 4 and 6 addresses
// from https://www.socketloop.com/tutorials/golang-resolve-domain-name-ip4-ip6
ip4 := ""
ip4two := ""
ip6 := "2404:6800:4003:c01::6a"
// conver to IP type
ipAdd4 := net.ParseIP(ip4)
ipAdd4two := net.ParseIP(ip4two)
ipAdd6 := net.ParseIP(ip6)
same := ipAdd4.Equal(ipAdd4two)
fmt.Println("The ip4 same as ip4two address : ", same)
same = ipAdd4.Equal(ipAdd6)
fmt.Println("The ip4 same as ip6 address : ", same)
Output :
The ip4 same as ip4two address : true
The ip4 same as ip6 address : false
References :
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