Golang net/http/cookiejar.New(), Cookies() and SetCookies() functions example
Example 1:
jar, _ := cookiejar.New(nil)
Example 2:
var cookies []*http.Cookie
fourthCookie := &http.Cookie{
Name: "dkv",
Value: "19a17a80fd703efd450d5ef9dadc32cee3QEAAAAdGxpcGn9mTBVMA==",
Path: "/",
Domain: ".youtube.com",
cookies = append(cookies, fourthCookie)
// URL for cookies to remember. i.e reply when encounter this URL
cookieURL, _ := url.Parse("https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=")
jar.SetCookies(cookieURL, cookies)
Example 3:
See also : https://www.socketloop.com/tutorials/golang-storing-cookies-in-http-cookiejar-example
References :
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