Golang io/ioutil.WriteFile() function example
package io/ioutil
Golang io/ioutil.WriteFile() function usage example
package main
import (
func main() {
fileName := "./file.dat"
str := []byte("世界你好! Hello World!")
ioutil.WriteFile(fileName, str, os.ModeAppend)
// somehow os.ModeAppend did not set ANY mode to the file.dat
// and this will prevent ioutil.ReadFile from reading the
// file.dat content
// therefore, we need to change the mode manually
cmd := exec.Command("chmod", "666", "file.dat")
out, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
readerFile, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(fileName)
fmt.Printf("%s \n", readerFile)
Output :
世界你好! Hello World!
Reference :
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