Golang index.suffixarray.FindAllIndex() function example
package index/suffixarray
Golang index.suffixarray.FindAllIndex() function usage example
package main
import (
func main() {
str := []string{"yum", "tasty", "taste good", "delicious", "sumptuous", "lavish", "palatable", "pleasant"}
strByte := "\x00" + strings.Join(str, "\x00")
index := suffixarray.New([]byte(strByte))
// list all with taste
match, err := regexp.Compile("\x00tas[^\x00]*")
if err != nil {
result := index.FindAllIndex(match, -1) // <------- here!
// -1 = list all
// see http://golang.org/pkg/index/suffixarray/#Index.FindAllIndex
for _, val := range result {
start, end := val[0], val[1]
fmt.Println(strByte[start+1 : end])
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