Golang image.Rectangle.Intersect, Overlaps, Size and String functions.
package image
Golang image.Rectangle.Intersect, Overlaps, Size and String functions usage example.
package main
import (
func main() {
// maximize CPU usage for maximum performance
// define a rectangle
rect := image.Rect(0, 0, 500, 500)
fmt.Println("Min X : ", rect.Min.X)
fmt.Println("Max X : ", rect.Max.X)
s := image.Rect(-100, -100, 550, 550)
// Intersect returns the largest rectangle contained by both r and s.
// If the two rectangles do not overlap then the zero rectangle will be returned.
interRect := rect.Intersect(s)
// Overlaps reports whether r and s have a non-empty intersection.
fmt.Println("Did rect overlaps s ? ", rect.Overlaps(s))
// Size returns r's width and height.
// String returns a string representation of r like "(3,4)-(6,5)".
Output :
Min X : 0
Max X : 500
Did rect overlaps s ? true
References :
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