Golang image.Rectangle.Add, Canon, Dx and Dy functions example.
package image
Golang image.Rectangle.Add, Canon, Dx and Dy functions usage example.
package main
import (
func main() {
// maximize CPU usage for maximum performance
// define a rectangle
rect := image.Rect(0, 0, 500, 500)
fmt.Println("Min X : ", rect.Min.X)
fmt.Println("Max X : ", rect.Max.X)
// Add returns the rectangle r translated by p.
pt := image.Pt(100, 100)
newRect := rect.Add(pt)
fmt.Println("Before Add() : ", rect)
fmt.Println("After Add() : ", newRect)
// Canon returns the canonical version of r. The returned rectangle has minimum and maximum coordinates swapped if necessary so that it is well-formed.
canonRect := newRect.Canon()
fmt.Println("Canonical Version : ", canonRect)
fmt.Println("canonRect's width : ", canonRect.Dx())
fmt.Println("canonRect's height : ", canonRect.Dy())
Output :
Min X : 0
Max X : 500
Before Add() : (0,0)-(500,500)
After Add() : (100,100)-(600,600)
Canonical Version : (100,100)-(600,600)
canonRect's width : 500
canonRect's height : 500
References :
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