Golang image.Point.String and Sub functions example
package image
Golang image.Point.String and Sub functions usage example
package main
import (
func main() {
var aPoint, bPoint image.Point
aPoint = image.Pt(10, 10)
bPoint = image.Pt(200, 200)
// String
fmt.Println("aPoint in string format :", aPoint.String())
fmt.Println("bPoint in string format :", bPoint.String())
// Sub
var pPoint, qPoint image.Point
pPoint = image.Pt(0, 0)
qPoint = image.Pt(20, 20)
pqPoint := pPoint.Sub(qPoint) // Subtract p - q
fmt.Println("p-q vector is : ", pqPoint.String())
Output :
aPoint in string format : (10,10)
bPoint in string format : (200,200)
p-q vector is : (-20,-20)
References :
See also : Golang image.Point.In, Mod and Mul functions example
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