Golang image.Point.Add, Div and Eq functions example
package image
package main
import (
func main() {
var aPoint, bPoint, cPoint image.Point
aPoint = image.Pt(10, 10)
bPoint = image.Pt(20, 20)
// Add
cPoint = aPoint.Add(bPoint)
fmt.Println("c X is : ", cPoint.X)
fmt.Println("c Y is : ", cPoint.Y)
// Div
newBPoint := bPoint.Div(2)
fmt.Println("New b X is : ", newBPoint.X)
fmt.Println("New b Y is : ", newBPoint.Y)
// Eq
equal := aPoint.Eq(cPoint)
fmt.Println("aPoint equal to cPoint ? ", equal)
Output :
c X is : 30
c Y is : 30
New b X is : 10
New b Y is : 10
References :
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