Golang image.Paletted.ColorModel, Opaque and PixOffset functions example
package image
Golang image.Paletted.ColorModel, Opaque and PixOffset functions usage example
package main
import (
func main() {
p := color.Palette{color.NRGBA{0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff}}
rect := image.Rect(0, 0, 100, 100)
paletted := image.NewPaletted(rect, p)
fmt.Println("ColorModel : ",paletted.ColorModel())
fmt.Println("Opaque : ", paletted.Opaque())
fmt.Println("PixOffset : ", paletted.PixOffset(10,10))
Output :
ColorModel : [{240 240 240 255}]
Opaque : true
PixOffset : 1010
References :
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