Golang image.NRGBA and NRGBA64 types examples
package image
NRGBA is an in-memory image whose At method returns color.NRGBA values.
NRGBA64 is an in-memory image whose At method returns color.NRGBA64 values.
Golang image.NRGBA and NRGBA64 types usage examples
Example 1: (taken https://github.com/disintegration/imaging/blob/master/tools.go )
// Crop cuts out a rectangular region with the specified bounds
// from the image and returns the cropped image.
func Crop(img image.Image, rect image.Rectangle) *image.NRGBA {
src := toNRGBA(img)
srcRect := rect.Sub(img.Bounds().Min)
sub := src.SubImage(srcRect)
return Clone(sub) // New image Bounds().Min point will be (0, 0)
Example 2:
func getSubImage(src image.Image, rect image.Rectangle) image.Image {
if img, ok := src.(*image.NRGBA); ok {
return img.SubImage(rect)
if img, ok := src.(*image.NRGBA64); ok {
return img.SubImage(rect)
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