Golang image.Gray.Set and SetGray functions example

package image

 func (p *Gray) Set(x, y int, c color.Color)

Golang image.Gray.Set and SetGray functions usage example

 package main

 import (
 "image/color" // for color.Alpha{a}

 func init() {
 // without this register .. At(), Bounds() functions will
 // caused memory pointer error!!
 image.RegisterFormat("png", "png", png.Decode, png.DecodeConfig)

 func main() {
 imgfile, err := os.Open("./img.png")

 if err != nil {
 fmt.Println("img.png file not found!")

 defer imgfile.Close()

 img, _, err := image.Decode(imgfile)

 bounds := img.Bounds()

 canvas := image.NewGray(bounds) // for Gray

 canvas.Set(100, 100, image.Transparent)

 // http://golang.org/pkg/image/color/#Gray
 // Gray represents an 8-bit grayscale color.

 x := 512
 y := 512
 a := uint8(255)

 canvas.SetGray(x, y, color.Gray{a})


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