Golang image.Gray.Bounds function example
package image
func (p *Gray) Bounds() Rectangle
Golang image.Gray.Bounds function usage example
package main
import (
func init() {
image.RegisterFormat("png", "png", png.Decode, png.DecodeConfig)
func main() {
imgfile, err := os.Open("./img.png")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("img.png file not found!")
defer imgfile.Close()
img, _, err := image.Decode(imgfile)
bounds := img.Bounds()
grayrect := image.NewGray(bounds)
rect := grayrect.Bounds() // <-- here
fmt.Println("Min X : Y = ", rect.Min.X, rect.Min.Y)
fmt.Println("Max X : Y = ", rect.Max.X, rect.Max.Y)
Sample output(depending on input image ) :
Min X : Y = 0 0
Max X : Y = 600 849
Reference :
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