Golang image.Alpha16 type examples
package image
Alpha16 is an in-memory image whose At method returns color.Alpha64 values.
Golang image.Alpha16 type usage examples
Example 1:
func NewSurfaceFromImage(img image.Image) *Surface {
var format Format
switch img.(type) {
case *image.Alpha, *image.Alpha16:
format = FORMAT_A8
case *extimage.BGRN, *image.Gray, *image.Gray16, *image.YCbCr:
format = FORMAT_RGB24
format = FORMAT_ARGB32
surface := NewSurface(format, img.Bounds().Dx(), img.Bounds().Dy())
return surface
Example 2:
if img, ok := src.(*image.Alpha16); ok {
return img.SubImage(rect)
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