Golang html/template.ParseGlob function examples
package html/template
ParseGlob creates a new Template and parses the template definitions from the files identified by the pattern (1st parameter), which must match at least one file. The returned template will have the (base) name and (parsed) contents of the first file matched by the pattern. ParseGlob is equivalent to calling ParseFiles with the list of files matched by the pattern.
Golang html/template.ParseGlob function usage examples
Example 1:
wd, err := os.Getwd()
source := filepath.Join(wd, "bootstrap")
pattern := filepath.Join(wd, "templates", "*.html")
set = template.Must(template.ParseGlob(pattern))
Example 2:
t = template.ParseGlob("./templates/*.tmpl")
templates = template.Must(template.ParseGlob("views/*.tmpl"))
Example 3:
HTML = html.Must(html.ParseGlob(config.TemplatesDir + "/*.html"))
TEXT = text.Must(text.ParseGlob(config.TemplatesDir + "/*.txt"))
References :
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