Golang html/template.JSStr type examples
package html/template
JSStr encapsulates a sequence of characters meant to be embedded between quotes in a JavaScript expression. The string must match a series of StringCharacters:
StringCharacter :: SourceCharacter but not \
or LineTerminator | EscapeSequence
Note that LineContinuations are not allowed. JSStr("foo\nbar") is fine, but JSStr("foo\\nbar") is not.
Golang html/template.JSStr type usage examples
Example 1:
data := []interface{}{
`<b> "foo%" O'Reilly &bar;`,
CSS(`a[href =~ "//example.com"]#foo`),
HTML(`Hello, <b>World</b> &tc!`),
HTMLAttr(` dir="ltr"`),
JS(`c && alert("Hello, World!");`),
JSStr(`Hello, World & O'Reilly\x21`), // <--- here
Example 2:
p.Title = title
slug := filepath.Base(filename)
length := len(slug)
p.Slug = slug[:length-3]
body := MD(buffer.Bytes())
p.Body = template.HTML(string(body))
p.Date = get_time(date)
p.S_Date = date
p.Tags = tags
p.Changed = false
p.Url = fmt.Sprintf("%sposts/%s.html", conf.URL, p.Slug)
p.Durl = template.JSStr(p.Url) // <--- here
References :
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