Golang html/template.JS type examples
package html/template
JS encapsulates a known safe EcmaScript5 Expression, for example,
(x + y * z())
. Template authors are responsible for ensuring that typed expressions do not break the intended precedence and that there is no statement/expression ambiguity as when passing an expression like "{ foo: bar() }\n'foo'", which is both a valid Expression and a valid Program with a very different meaning.
Golang html/template.JS type usage examples
Example 1:
// Makes a FuncMap with useful things on it for page rendering
func NewDefaultFuncMap() template.FuncMap {
return template.FuncMap{
"rawhtml": func(s string) template.HTML { return template.HTML(s) },
"rawjs": func(s string) template.JS { return template.JS(s) },
"rawcss": func(s string) template.CSS { return template.CSS(s) },
Example 2:
data := []interface{}{
`<b> "foo%" O'Reilly &bar;`,
CSS(`a[href =~ "//example.com"]#foo`),
HTML(`Hello, <b>World</b> &tc!`),
HTMLAttr(` dir="ltr"`),
JS(`c && alert("Hello, World!");`), // <--- here
JSStr(`Hello, World & O'Reilly\x21`),
Example 3:
func runtime_safeJS(arg string) template.JS {
return template.JS(arg)
References :
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