Golang hash/fnv.New32, New32a, New64 and New64a functions example
package hash/fnv
New32 returns a new 32-bit FNV-1 hash.Hash.
New32a returns a new 32-bit FNV-1a hash.Hash.
New64 returns a new 64-bit FNV-1 hash.Hash.
New64a returns a new 64-bit FNV-1a hash.Hash.
Golang hash/fnv.New32, New32a, New64 and New64a functions usage example
package main
import (
func main() {
hasher32 := fnv.New32()
fmt.Printf("Sum32 : %x\n", hasher32.Sum32())
hasher32a := fnv.New32a()
fmt.Printf("Sum32a : %x\n", hasher32a.Sum32())
hasher64 := fnv.New64()
fmt.Printf("Sum64 : %x\n", hasher64.Sum64())
hasher64a := fnv.New64a()
fmt.Printf("Sum64a : %x\n", hasher64a.Sum64())
Output :
Sum32 : b9de7375
Sum32a : ce3479bd
Sum64 : 2ed9327efb844f95
Sum64a : fc179f83ee0724dd
References :
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