Golang hash/crc32.NewIEEE function example
package hash/crc32
NewIEEE creates a new hash.Hash32 computing the CRC-32 checksum using the IEEE polynomial.
Golang hash/crc32.NewIEEE function usage example
package main
import (
func main() {
crcIEEE := crc32.NewIEEE()
fmt.Printf("Sum32 : %x \n", crcIEEE.Sum32())
io.WriteString(crcIEEE, "defg") // alternative way to write
fmt.Printf("Sum32 after reset : %x \n", crcIEEE.Sum32())
Output :
Sum32 : ed82cd11
Sum32 after reset : 3b6d8e59
References :
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