Golang go/token.Token.Lookup function example
package go/token
Lookup maps an identifier to its keyword token or IDENT (if not a keyword).
Golang go/token.Token.Lookup function usage example
// cmdName uses a reflect.Value of a Command to find a command's name.
// A command name can either be specified in a struct tag of a 'name' field,
// or if that is absent, the name of the struct type itself is used.
func cmdName(val reflect.Value) string {
typ := val.Type()
for i := 0; i < typ.NumField(); i++ {
field := typ.Field(i)
tag := string(field.Tag)
if field.Name == "name" &&
field.Type.Kind() == reflect.String &&
token.Lookup(tag) == token.IDENT { // <-- here
return tag
return typ.Name()
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