Golang go/token.Token.IsKeyword function example
package go/token
IsKeyword returns true for tokens corresponding to keywords; it returns false otherwise.
Golang go/token.Token.IsKeyword function usage example
// getClass returns the CSS class name associated with tok.
func (h *Highlighter) getClass(tok token.Token) string {
switch {
case tok.IsKeyword(): // <--- here
return h.KeywordClass
case tok.IsLiteral():
if tok == token.IDENT {
return h.IdentClass
} else {
return h.LiteralClass
case tok.IsOperator():
return h.OperatorClass
case tok == token.COMMENT:
return h.CommentClass
case tok == token.ILLEGAL:
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown token type: %v", tok))
return ""
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