Golang go/token.FileSet.File function examples
package go/token
File returns the file that contains the position p(1st parameter). If no such file is found (for instance for p == NoPos), the result is nil.
Golang go/token.FileSet.File function usage examples
Example 1:
func FindFileAst(fset *token.FileSet, file *token.File, fileAsts []*ast.File) *ast.File {
for _, fileAst := range fileAsts {
if fset.File(fileAst.Package) == file {
return fileAst
return nil
Example 2:
for file, pos := range offsets {
f := fset.File(Pos(pos))
if f.Name() != file {
t.Errorf("got %q at position %d, want %q", f.Name(), pos, file)
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