Golang go/token.File.Position function examples
package go/token
Position returns the Position value for the given file position p(1st parameter); p must be a Pos value in that file or NoPos.
Golang go/token.File.Position function usage examples
Example 1:
fs := token.NewFileSet()
tf := fs.AddFile("", fs.Base(), len(data))
pos := tf.Position(tf.Pos(offset))
return pos.Line, pos.Column
Example 2:
// verify scan
var S Scanner
file := fset.AddFile(filepath.Join("dir", "TestLineComments"), fset.Base(), len(src))
S.Init(file, []byte(src), nil, dontInsertSemis)
for _, s := range segs {
p, _, lit := S.Scan()
pos := file.Position(p)
checkPos(t, lit, p, token.Position{
Filename: s.filename,
Offset: pos.Offset,
Line: s.line,
Column: pos.Column,
Reference :
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