Golang go/token.File.Name function examples
package go/token
Name returns the file name of file f as registered with AddFile.
Golang go/token.File.Name function usage examples
Example 1:
if file := x.fset.File(p); file != nil {
if base := file.Base(); base <= m[1] && m[1] <= base+file.Size() {
// match [m[0], m[1]) is within the file boundaries
list[found].filename = file.Name()
list[found].line = file.Line(p)
Example 2:
case name:
check.files = append(check.files, file)
var comment string
if pos := file.Pos(); pos.IsValid() {
comment = "file " + check.fset.File(pos).Name()
} else {
comment = fmt.Sprintf("file[%d]", i)
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