Golang go/scanner.ErrorList type examples
package go/scanner
ErrorList is a list of *Errors. The zero value for an ErrorList is an empty ErrorList ready to use.
Golang go/scanner.ErrorList type usage examples
Example 1:
switch err := err.(type) {
case types.Error:
posn := a.prog.Fset.Position(err.Pos)
errors[posn] = append(errors[posn], err.Msg)
case scanner.ErrorList:
for _, e := range err {
errors[e.Pos] = append(errors[e.Pos], e.Msg)
Example 2:
func report(err error) {
scanner.PrintError(os.Stderr, err)
if list, ok := err.(scanner.ErrorList); ok {
errorCount += len(list)
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