Golang go/scanner.Error type examples
package go/scanner
In an ErrorList, an error is represented by an *Error. The position Pos, if valid, points to the beginning of the offending token, and the error condition is described by Msg.
Golang go/scanner.Error type usage examples
Example 1:
func scanType(src []byte) (err *scanner.Error) {
var s scanner.Scanner
fset := token.NewFileSet()
errMsg := ""
pos, tok, lit := s.Scan()
return &scanner.Error{
fmt.Sprintf("%s\n + %s, got %q\n", src, errMsg, lit),
Example 2:
switch x := x.(type) {
case *scanner.Error:
switch y := y.(type) {
case *scanner.Error:
return scanner.ErrorList{x, y}
case scanner.ErrorList:
return append(y, x)
return scanner.ErrorList{x, scannerError(y)}
Reference :
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