Golang go/parser.ParseExpr() function example
package go/parser
ParseExpr is a convenience function for obtaining the AST of an expression x. The position information recorded in the AST is undefined. The filename used in error messages is the empty string.
Golang go/parser.ParseExpr() function usage example
var TypeExprs = map[string]TypeExpr{
"int": TypeExpr{"int", "", 0, true},
"*int": TypeExpr{"*int", "", 1, true},
"[]int": TypeExpr{"[]int", "", 2, true},
"...int": TypeExpr{"[]int", "", 2, true},
"[]*int": TypeExpr{"[]*int", "", 3, true},
"...*int": TypeExpr{"[]*int", "", 3, true},
"MyType": TypeExpr{"MyType", "pkg", 0, true},
"*MyType": TypeExpr{"*MyType", "pkg", 1, true},
"[]MyType": TypeExpr{"[]MyType", "pkg", 2, true},
"...MyType": TypeExpr{"[]MyType", "pkg", 2, true},
"[]*MyType": TypeExpr{"[]*MyType", "pkg", 3, true},
"...*MyType": TypeExpr{"[]*MyType", "pkg", 3, true},
for typeStr, expected := range TypeExprs {
// Handle arrays and ... myself, since ParseExpr() does not.
array := strings.HasPrefix(typeStr, "[]")
if array {
typeStr = typeStr[2:]
ellipsis := strings.HasPrefix(typeStr, "...")
if ellipsis {
typeStr = typeStr[3:]
expr, err := parser.ParseExpr(typeStr) // <-- here
if err != nil {
t.Error("Failed to parse test expr:", typeStr)
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