Golang go/doc.ToHTML() function example
package go/doc
ToHTML converts comment text to formatted HTML. The comment was prepared by DocReader, so it is known not to have leading, trailing blank lines nor to have trailing spaces at the end of lines. The comment markers have already been removed.
Each span of unindented non-blank lines is converted into a single paragraph. There is one exception to the rule: a span that consists of a single line, is followed by another paragraph span, begins with a capital letter, and contains no punctuation is formatted as a heading.
A span of indented lines is converted into a
block, with the common indent prefix removed.URLs in the comment text are converted into links; if the URL also appears in the words map, the link is taken from the map (if the corresponding map value is the empty string, the URL is not converted into a link).
Go identifiers that appear in the words map are italicized; if the corresponding map value is not the empty string, it is considered a URL and the word is converted into a link.
Golang go/doc.ToHTML() function usage example
Example 1:
package main
import (
func main() {
var buf bytes.Buffer
str := "This line must be converted to HTML!"
doc.ToHTML(&buf, str, nil)
Output :
<p>This line must be converted to HTML!</p>
Example 2:
func comment2html(comment string) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
doc.ToHTML(&buf, comment, nil)
return buf.String()
Reference :
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