Golang go/ast.NewIdent() function example
package go/ast
NewIdent creates a new Ident without position. Useful for ASTs generated by code other than the Go parser.
Golang go/ast.NewIdent() function usage example
var varVar = flag.String("var", "GoCover", "name of coverage variable to generate")
func (f *File) newCounter(start, end token.Pos, numStmt int) ast.Stmt {
counter := &ast.IndexExpr{
X: &ast.SelectorExpr{
X: ast.NewIdent(*varVar), // <-- here
Sel: ast.NewIdent("Count"),
Index: f.index(),
stmt := counterStmt(f, counter)
f.blocks = append(f.blocks, Block{start, end, numStmt})
return stmt
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