Golang go/ast.MergePackageFiles() function example
package go/ast
MergePackageFiles creates a file AST by merging the ASTs of the files belonging to a package. The mode flags control merging behavior.
Golang go/ast.MergePackageFiles() function usage example
// from https://github.com/chuckpreslar/gofer/blob/master/gofer.go
func parsePackages(packages map[string]*ast.Package, dir string) {
for _, pkg := range packages {
file := ast.MergePackageFiles(pkg, ast.FilterImportDuplicates) // <-- here
if isGoferTaskFile(file) {
imprtPath := strings.TrimPrefix(strings.Replace(dir, goPath, "", 1), SourcePrefix)
templateData.Imports = append(templateData.Imports, imprt{imprtPath})
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