Golang go/ast.Expr type example
package go/ast
All expression nodes implement the Expr interface.
Golang go/ast.Expr type usage example
func createItStatementForTestFunc(testFunc *ast.FuncDecl) *ast.ExprStmt {
blockStatement := &ast.BlockStmt{List: testFunc.Body.List}
fieldList := &ast.FieldList{}
funcType := &ast.FuncType{Params: fieldList}
funcLit := &ast.FuncLit{Type: funcType, Body: blockStatement}
testName := rewriteTestName(testFunc.Name.Name)
basicLit := &ast.BasicLit{Kind: 9, Value: fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\"", testName)}
itBlockIdent := &ast.Ident{Name: "It"}
callExpr := &ast.CallExpr{Fun: itBlockIdent, Args: []ast.Expr{basicLit, funcLit}} // <-- here
return &ast.ExprStmt{X: callExpr}
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