Golang go/ast.CommentGroup.Text() function examples
package go/ast
Text returns the text of the comment. Comment markers (//, /*, and */), the first space of a line comment, and leading and trailing empty lines are removed. Multiple empty lines are reduced to one, and trailing space on lines is trimmed. Unless the result is empty, it is newline-terminated.
Golang go/ast.CommentGroup.Text() function usage example
Example 1:
func saveConfig(pkg *build.Package, filename string, cg *ast.CommentGroup) error {
text := cg.Text() // <-- here
for _, line := range strings.Split(text, "\n") {
orig := line
Example 2:
func importComment(s ast.Spec) string {
c := s.(*ast.ImportSpec).Comment
if c == nil {
return ""
return c.Text()
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