Golang fmt.Sscanln() function example
package fmt
Sscanln is similar to Sscan, but stops scanning at a newline and after the final item there must be a newline or EOF.
Golang fmt.Sscanln() function usage example
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
answers := "1 0 \n 8"
var a, b, c int
// will stop scanning at \n
fmt.Sscanln(answers, &a, &b, &c)
fmt.Println(a, b, c)
// for comparison
answers = "1 0 8"
fmt.Sscanln(answers, &a, &b, &c)
fmt.Println(a, b, c)
Output :
1 0 0 (c was not 'scanned')
1 0 8
Reference :
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