Golang fmt.Sscanf() function example
package fmt
Sscanf scans the argument string, storing successive space-separated values into successive arguments as determined by the format. It returns the number of items successfully parsed.
Golang fmt.Sscanf() function usage example
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
str := "我的名字是 (my name is) : Golang , I'm 5 years old now"
var name string
var age int
// WARNING : the comma must be separated by a space
// %s , OK
// %s, NOT OK
fmt.Sscanf(str, "我的名字是 (my name is) : %s , I'm %d years old now", &name, &age)
fmt.Printf("%s %d\n", name, age)
Output :
Golang 5
Reference :
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