Golang fmt.Printf() function examples
package fmt.Printf
Printf formats according to a format specifier and writes to standard output. It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
Golang fmt.Printf() function usage examples
Example 1:
fmt.Printf("Connected to ver=%s\n", c.Info.ImplementationVersion)
Example 2:
fmt.Printf("Found pool: %s -> %s\n", pn.Name, pn.URI)
Example 3:
m := make(chan request)
go runMap(m)
fmt.Printf("Set %s\n", set(m, 1, "foo"))
fmt.Printf("Set %s\n", set(m, 2, "hoge"))
fmt.Printf("Set %s\n", set(m, 1, "fuga"))
fmt.Printf("Set %s\n", set(m, 2, "bar"))
Reference :
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